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Archives for ‘Новости’

Flight over Lake Balkhash, Kazakhstan (photo)

Пролетаем над озером Балхаш

Space Pizza (photo)

Космическая пицца

Recently we made some Сosmic Pizza.

Space Breakfast (photo)

Космический завтрак до заправки водой и после

We used a water gun to reconstitute the food and scissors to open the package.

Baikonur, formerly known as Leninsk (photo)

Байконур - мой любимый и родной город

DAN Experiment (photo)

Эксперимент Дан

Purpose: The aim of the experiment is to determine the relationship between changes in pressure in the carotid artery caused by redistribution of blood in the upper half of the body in weightlessness, and changes in sensitivity of the central respiratory mechanism (CRM). see more >>

Crete is the largest and most populous of the Greek Islands (photo)

Остров Крит - один из самых популярных европейских курортов

Тотальный диктант-2018 на МКС (фото)

Тотальный диктант-2018 на МКС

Sorry, this entry is only available in Русский.

The Celebration of Cosmonautics Day and my Daughter’s 7-month on the ISS (photo)

Празднование 12 апреля и 7 месяцев моей дочки Анфисы на МКС

#ПосланиеИзКосмоса челлендж

#ПосланиеИзКосмоса челлендж

В инстаграме запустили #ПосланиеИзКосмоса челлендж совместно с @musicallyrussiaofficial и одним из первых его принял @timurbatrutdinov Тег video не поддерживается вашим браузером. Скачайте видео.

Cosmonautics Day! (video)

С Днем Космонавтики!

Cities in Russia – Novorossiysk (photo)

Города России - Новороссийск

Space Ice Cream (photo)

Космическое мороженое

SpaceX Dragon cargo ship delivered ice cream to the International Space Station. Delicious!

Congratulations recording (photo)

Запись поздравлений

Congratulations recording Congratulations recording for “Retro FM” Congratulations recording by Cosmonautics Day

“Fazoperehod’ (“Phase Transition”) Space Experiment (photo)

Эксперимент Фазопереход

“Fazoperehod’ (“Phase Transition”) Space Experiment “Fazoperehod’ (“Phase Transition”) Space Experiment is run on board the “Progress-M” cargo transport vehicle being a part of the ISS. The purpose of “Fazoperehod” is to determine performance specifications of heat pipes in the orbital operational environment. Heat pipes themselves are components of heat transfer elements (HTE), which also include […]

New Zealand (photo)

Над Новой Зеландией

Happy Easter! (photo)

Вот такой праздничный стол у нас сегодня

Сylinder Replacement for Flame Extinguishment Experiment (photo)

Замена баллона для эксперимента "Диффузионное пламя"

Сylinder Replacement for Experiment Difusion Flame Experiment Difusion Flame Objective: Obtaining high-precision experimental data for studying laminar diffusion flame in the concurrent stream of fuel and oxidizer. Tasks: Experimental study of the properties of diffusion flame of methane and ethane in the concurrent stream of air under microgravity conditions. Obtaining data about the shape of […]

The Сoast of Canada (photo)

Побережье Канады

Cities of the World – Cabo Frio, Brazil (photo)

Города мира - Кабу-Фриу. На юге Бразилии

Cabo Frio, Brazil East Coast of South Brazil

Work on ISS. Communication Panel Test in the Lock-Chamber (photo)

Проверка пульта связи в шлюзовом отсеке СО1

Cities of the World – Houston, USA (photo)

On this photo you can see the area of the city, where astronauts prepare for future missions to the ISS

Guam Island (photo)


Greenhouse (photo)


Cyprus is the mythical birthplace of Aphrodite (photo)

Остров Крит - Место рождения богини Афродиты

Dragon is getting ready to be captured (photo)

Dragon на подлете

Profilaktika-2 Experiment (photo)

Эксперимент Профилактика 2

Profilaktika-2 Experiment – Investigation of mechanisms of action and effectiveness of different physical exercise modes in long-term SF conditions on the state of general and physical performance of cosmonauts. see moore >> Anton is examined. I Take Blood Test. Now, we’ve changed

The cosmic onion. Part 2.

Продолжаем оранжерейное дело. Часть 2.

The cosmic Onion. Part 2. Green Onions in 2014

The Moon (photo)


The first Hairstyle in an Orbit (photo)

Первая стрижка на орбите

The first Hairstyle in an Orbit. We use an ordinary hair clipper, but attach it to the hose from the vacuum cleaner.

Experiment “Calcium” (photo)

Первая сессия эксперимента Кальций

Experiment “Calcium” more (rus)…