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Tags: ‘космическая еда’

The second master class on cooking sushi in zero gravity //video 360 gr // (video)

Второй мастер-класс по приготовлению суши в невесомости //видео 360 гр//

In the Cosmos 360 project, Japanese astronaut Norishige Kanai shows the participants of the 55th expedition to the ISS Anton Shkaplerov and Oleg Artemyev how to cook sushi in zero gravity.

How to cook Soup in Space? //Space food// (video)

Как приготовить суп в космосе? //Космическая еда//

Joint Dinner of Russian and American Crews on the ISS //VIDEO 360//

Совместный ужин российского и американского экипажей на МКС //ВИДЕО 360//

Breakfast before EVA (video HD)

Завтрак перед ВКД - как питаются космонавты

Rations during the flight to the ISS (video)

Паёк на время полёта к МКС

Rations during the flight to the ISS.

After Spacewalk – American Container with a Food (video)

После выхода в космос - Американский контейнер с питанием

First Part Second Part

Breakfast before EVA (photo, video)

Завтрак перед выходом в космос

Bonus Container of “Preference Food” (photo)

Бонусные контейнеры с дополнительным набором продуктов

We always get one “bonus” container a month which can consist of anything you want that does not require refrigeration.

Unloading of Progress MS-09 Cargo Spacecraft (video)

Разгрузка грузовика «Прогресс МС-09»

Ice Cream on the ISS 2 (photo)

Мороженое на МКС

Dragon cargo raft brought some ice cream and tangerines to the ISS. We were very pleased to receive such delicious gifts from Serena.

Space Sushi (photo)

Космическое суши

Norishige Kanai showed us how to make Sushi. Yes, it was fun!

Space Pizza (photo)

Космическая пицца

Recently we made some Сosmic Pizza.

Space Breakfast (photo)

Космический завтрак до заправки водой и после

We used a water gun to reconstitute the food and scissors to open the package.

Space Ice Cream (photo)

Космическое мороженое

SpaceX Dragon cargo ship delivered ice cream to the International Space Station. Delicious!

Happy Easter! (photo)

Вот такой праздничный стол у нас сегодня

Greenhouse (photo)


The cosmic onion. Part 2.

Продолжаем оранжерейное дело. Часть 2.

The cosmic Onion. Part 2. Green Onions in 2014

Space Breakfast (photo)

Космический завтрак

Space Bunching Onion (photo)

Космический лучок

Space Chewing Gum (photo)

Космическая жевательная резинка

Breakfast with Dairy Products (photo)

Завтрак с молочным продуктами

August 12. Russian Air Force Day (photo)

12 августа. День Воздушного Флота России

August 12. Russian Air Fleet Day Lunch in the Russian Air Force Day

Breakfast on ISS (photo)

Завтрак на МКС

Breakfast. Menu of the 6th day of 16 daily diets – Russian diet on the ISS

August 2. Breakfast&Dinner in the Day of Russian Airborne Forces (photo)

2 Августа. Обед в честь дня Воздушно-десантных войск

August 2. Day of Russian Airborne Forces.

Dinner on ISS (photo)

Обед на МКС

Dinner. Menu of the 15th day of 16 daily diets – Russian diet on the ISS

Navy Day Celebrations. July 27 (photo)

Dinner in Honor of the Navy Day. Sport in the Navy Day. Private Family Conference in the Navy Day

Parachutist Day. July 26 (photo)

Breakfast on the Parachutist Day. July 26.

Space food – Dinner on ISS (photo)

Обед на МКС

Dinner. Menu of the second day of 16 daily diets – Russian diet on the ISS I was lucky with a Bonus – Baunti got

Space food – Breakfast on ISS (photo)

Завтрак на МКС

Breakfast. Menu of the third day 16-day diet – Russian diet on the ISS

Space food. (video)

Космическая еда. Меню для итальянки

The menu for the Italian (rus) Food for Cosmonauts (rus)