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Tags: ‘репортаж с орбиты’

Space food – Dinner on ISS (photo)

Обед на МКС

Dinner. Menu of the second day of 16 daily diets – Russian diet on the ISS I was lucky with a Bonus – Baunti got

Disosaur Guam (photo)


Guam is an organized, unincorporated territory of the United States in the western Pacific Ocean. It is one of five U.S. territories with an established civilian government. Guam is listed as one of seventeen Non-Self-Governing Territories by the Special Committee on Decolonization of the United Nations. The island’s capital is Hagåtña (formerly named Agana). Guam […]

Space food – Breakfast on ISS (photo)

Завтрак на МКС

Breakfast. Menu of the third day 16-day diet – Russian diet on the ISS

Citys of the World – over Shanghai & Nanjing, China (上海。南京。 中國) (photo)

Города мира - над Шанхаем, Китай (上海。中國)

Docking Progress M-24M to ISS. July 24 (photo)

Стыковка Прогресса к МКС. 24 июля

Turning on of engines for Correction ISS Orientation before Docking Progress M-24M The Pirs Port waits Progress M-24M

Earth Paints – Sahara, Africa (photo)

Краски Земли - Сахара, Африка

Our Watch on ISS (photo)

Часы, которыми мы пользуемся на МКС

The main onboard clock, at the central post (with red numbers), is used to check the time, they, in turn, are adjusted by voice commands from the Earth. To the right of the onboard clock, a white alarm clock-timer is used constantly for its intended purpose, as an alarm clock for getting up and reminding […]

Launch “Soyuz-U” with “Progress-M24M”. Docking “Progress-M24M” (видео)

Запуск ракеты-носителя "Союз-У" с ТГК "Прогресс-М24М" и стыковка грузовика "Прогресс-М24М" c МКС

Launch “Soyuz-U” with “Progress-M24M”. July 21 (MSK) Docking “Progress-M24M” to ISS. July 21 (MSK)

Citys of the World – We fly up to Shanghai, China (上海。中國) (photo)

Города мира - на подлёте к Шанхаю, Китай

Earth Paints – Plantation in Egypt (photo)

Краски Земли - плантации на юге Египта

Noctilucent Cloud (photo)

Серебристые облака

Night clouds or noctilucent clouds are tenuous cloud-like phenomena that are the “ragged edge” of a much brighter and pervasive polar cloud layer called polar mesospheric clouds in the upper atmosphere, visible in a deep twilight. They are made of crystals of water ice. Noctilucent roughly means night shining in Latin. They are most commonly […]

Earth Paints – Lake Abert, USA, Oregon (photo)

Краски Земли - озеро Аберт, США, шт. Орегон

Cities in Russia – Olginka, Krasnodar Krai (photo)

Города России - Ольгинка, Краснодарский край

Work on ISS. Glass Windows Inspection and Photography. MIM2 Module (photo)

Работа на МКС. Осмотр и фотографирование стекол иллюминаторов

Earth Paints – Madagascar (photo)

Краски Земли - Мадагаскар

Cities in Russia – Simferopol, Crimea (photo)

Города России - Симферополь, Крым

Mount Etna Volcano, Sicily (photo)

Вулкан Этна, Сицилия

Etna volcano continues smoking…

City of the World – Dusseldorf, Germany (photo)

Города мира - Дюссельдорф

Earth Paints – Cuba over Clouds (photo)


Russian Cargo Ship Departs the ISS. July 21 (GMT) (photo)

Отстыковка грузовика Прогресс от МКС. 21 июля

Russian Cargo Ship Departs the ISS. July 21 – Video

Russian Cargo Ship Departs the ISS. July 21 (GMT) (video)

Отстыковка грузовика Прогресс от МКС. 21 июля (GMT)

Russian Cargo Ship Departs the ISS. July 21 – Photos

Before one more Progress hatch closing (photo)

Перед закрытием люка очередного Прогресса

I am before Progress hatch closing Before closing of the Progress Hatch Alexander Skvortsov is before Progress Hatch closing. The Hatch is closed! Progress is ready to sending.

On South of Karachi, Pakistan (photo)


Aleutian Islands Competitions (photo)

Соревнование Алеутских островов

Clouds (photo)


Yellowstone National Park, USA (photo)

Йеллоустонский заповедник

Cities in Russia – Chita, Zabaykalsky Krai (photo)

Города России - Чита

Forest fires in South America (photo)

Лесные пожары в Южной Америке

Work on ISS. Cleaning of removable Lattices GJT (Gas-liquid heat exchanger) in FGB (Functional Cargo Block) (photo)

Чистка сеток ГЖТ в ФГБ

Forest Fires to the USA. The State of Oregon. Mount Jefferson (photo)

Лесные пожары в штате Орегон, США в районе вулкана Джефферсон