Our Watch on ISS (photo)
The main onboard clock, at the central post (with red numbers), is used to check the time, they, in turn, are adjusted by voice commands from the Earth.
To the right of the onboard clock, a white alarm clock-timer is used constantly for its intended purpose, as an alarm clock for getting up and reminding in experiments, it is very convenient. There are two dozen of them at the station, if not more.
Wristwatch, left to right. The first failed immediately after the withdrawal. The second for the fourth month the battery ran out. I wear the third ones all the time, the watch is good, but I can’t use it to the fullest, tk. on the second month of the flight, the control head flew off, so the clock twirls and the alarm clock that I set two months ago goes off, so I get up before everyone else :)… The fourth ones hang in the cabin, so they are like new, a reserve in case the third ones completely lie or break. The fifth ones are used during spacewalks, they cling to the spacesuit.
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