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Tags: ‘Земля’

Aleutian Islands (photo)

Алеутские острова

It seems to me this Aleutian Islands look like some kind of animal. What do you think?

Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center (photo)

Китайский космодром Цзюцюань

Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center is a Chinese space vehicle launch facility located in the Gobi desert, Inner Mongolia. It was founded in 1958, the first of China’s four spaceports. Since 1958, 105 launches have taken place.

Fly over China (video)

Пролетаем над Китаем

Fly over Kamchatka Peninsula (video)

Пролетаем над Камчаткой

Progress Cargo Spacecraft undocking from the ISS (photo, video)

Отстыковка Грузовика Прогресс

Aurora, Stars (video)

Полярное сияние и звёздное небо

Fly over Central Azia – Aral, Balhash, Baikonur, Issyk-Kul (video)

Летим над Средней Азией

Before Spacewalk – Fly over Sakhalin Island (video)

Пролетаем над островом Сахалин

Aug. 15 – Russian Cosmonauts Spacewalk Begin – 11:58 a.m. EDT see more – https://www.nasa.gov/press-release/nasa-television-to-air-russian-spacewalk-at-international-space-station Live coverage of the spacewalk will begin at 11:15 a.m. EDT see live coverage – /en/mks/mks-online/

Eye of the Hurricane Hector near Hawaii’s Big Island (photo)

Мoщный уpaгaн у Гавайев

Глаз Урагана

Fly over Australia (video)

Пролетаем над Австралией

Cities in Russia – Vladivostok (photo)

Города России - Владивосток

California Wildfires from the ISS (photo)

Лесные пожары в Калифорнии. США

California Wildfires from the Space Captured images of the largest wildfires in California history. It is truly heart-rending to witness.

ISS over Cuba (video)

Пролетаем над Кубой

Earth Paints – Urmia Salt Lake, Iran (photo)

Краски Земли - дамба на солёном Урмия

Mount Kilimanjaro. Africa (photo)

Mount Kilimanjaro or just Kilimanjaro is a dormant volcano in Tanzania. It is the highest mountain in Africa, about 4,900 metres (16,100 ft) from its base to 5,895 metres above sea level.

Noctilucent Clouds (photo, video)

Серебристые облака

Night clouds or noctilucent clouds are tenuous cloud-like phenomena that are the “ragged edge” of a much brighter and pervasive polar cloud layer called polar mesospheric clouds in the upper atmosphere, visible in a deep twilight. They are made of crystals of water ice. Noctilucent roughly means night shining in Latin. They are most commonly […]

The Moon. One Day before a lunar Eclipse (photo, video)

Луна за сутки до затмения

Paris. France (photo)

Париж, Франция

France (photo)


Egyptian Pyramids (photo)

Пирамиды Египта

Bent Pyramid & Red Pyramid (Dahshur necropolis)

Rostov-on-Don – 2018 FIFA World Cup Host City (photo)

Города и стадионы ЧM2018 - Ростов-на-Дону

Rostov Arena is a Stadium in Rostov-on-Don

Ekaterinburg – 2018 FIFA World Cup Host City (photo)

Города и стадионы ЧM2018 - Екатеринбург

The Central Stadium of Yekaterinburg

Nizhny Novgorod – 2018 FIFA World Cup Host City (photo)

Города и стадионы ЧM2018 - Нижний Новгород

Nizhny Novgorod Stadium is a football stadium in Nizhny Novgorod

Volgograd – 2018 FIFA World Cup Host City (photo)

Города и стадионы ЧM2018 - Волгоград

The Volgograd Arena is a football stadium in Volgograd

Sochi – 2018 FIFA World Cup Host City (photo)

Города и стадионы ЧM2018 - Сочи

Fisht Olympic Stadium is an outdoor stadium in Sochi

Samara – 2018 FIFA World Cup Host City (photo)

Города и стадионы ЧM2018 - Самара

Cosmos Arena is a football Stadium in Samara

Kaliningrad – 2018 FIFA World Cup Host City (photo)

Города и стадионы ЧM2018 - Калининград

Kaliningrad Stadium is a Stadium in Kaliningrad

Kazan – 2018 FIFA World Cup Host City (photo)

Города и стадионы ЧM2018 - Казань

Kazan Arena is a Stadium in Kazan

Earth Paints – Palmanova, Italy (photo)

Краски Земли

One of the volcanoes of the Kuril Islands (photo)

Дымит Курильский вулкан

One of the volcanoes of the Kuril Islands.


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