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Tags: ‘тренировка’

Training before descent to Earth. Practicing manual controlled descent. (video)

Тренировка перед спуском на Землю. Отработка ручного управляемого спуска.

Training before descent to Earth. We put on the “Sokol” Spacesuit. (video)

Тренировка перед спуском на Землю. Надеваем скафандр «Сокол».

Training began on the actions after landing the descent vehicle of the Soyuz spacecraft on the water surface (photo)

Начались тренировки по действиям после посадки спускаемого аппарата корабля «Союз» на водную поверхность

Training began on the actions after landing the descent vehicle of the Soyuz spacecraft on the water surface. During the training, two types of training are performed: “long” and “short”. “Long” training – the descent vehicle is on the water and we need to change clothes inside the descent capsule from the Sokol spacesuit into […]


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