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Tags: ‘Олег Артемьев’

New Russian film «Decision: Liquidation» (photo)

Просмотр фильма «Решение о ликвидации»

Our traditional Space Station movie night. We watched a new Russian film «Decision: Liquidation».

Two Holidays (photo)

Два праздника в один день!

Today I’m celebrating 2 events in one day – Russia’s day and wedding anniversary. New crew delivered gifts from my family.

New Crew Arrives on Space Station (photo, video)

Новый экипаж перешёл на МКС

Soccer on the ISS (video 360)

Сыграли в футбол на МКС

Coverage of the Soyuz Hatch Closure (photo, video)

Процедура закрытия люков «Союза МС-07» прошла успешно

We closed the hatch between ISS and the Soyuz spacecraft.

Expedition 55/56 Change of Command Ceremony (photo, video)

Передача смены 56-й экспедиции на МКС

In advance of the departure, the traditional change of command ceremony, will see Expedition 55 Commander Anton Shkaplerov of Roscosmos hand over command of the station to NASA’s Drew Feustel for Expedition 56.

Space Toilet (фото)

Космический туалет

Своеобразный “букет” – замена мочеприемника в АСУ (ассенизационно-санитарном устройстве).

Private medical Conference with the Crew Doctor (photo)

Медицинская конференция с врачом экипажа

Putin, Abe speak with astronauts on International Space Station from Kremlin (photo, video)

Путин и Абэ провели сеанс связи с МКС

On May 26, 2018, within the framework of the Russian-Japanese summit meeting in the Kremlin, there was a TV conference between the ISS crewmembers Anton Nikolayevich Shkaplerov and Norishige Kanai, the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin and the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzō Abe. Comm session takes place in JEM of USOS using […]

Thank you very much for your support in Baikonur (photo, video)

Выражаю благодарность всем друзьям за поддержку на Байконуре!

Thank you very much for your support in Baikonur. Such support is always important for those who fly to space!!!

Preparations for 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia (photo)

Начало подготовки к Чемпионату мира по футболу FIFA 2018 в России

Experiment «Separation» (photo)

Эксперимент «Сепарация»

Working on an experiment Separation. Water is a precious and limited resource in space, so orbiting crew members recycle it whenever possible, including recycling their own urine. The water recovery system provides clean water by reclaiming wastewater (including water from urine). The recovered water must meet stringent standards before it can be used to support […]

Бессмертный полк на МКС (фото)

Бессмертный полк на МКС

Правнук отдает честь прадеду.

ISS Crew congratulates Earthlings with Victory Day! (photo)

В космическом танке в День Победы

Work on the ISS (фото)

Измерение фреона

Work on the ISS (photo)

Замена патрона «БМП» (Блока удаления вредных микропримесей)

Sorry, this entry is only available in Русский.

Every weekend we have the opportunity to communicate with the family (photo)

Приватные видеоконференции с семьей

Every weekend we have the opportunity to communicate with the family

A small musical Concert on Board the International Space Station (photo)

Музыкальный концерт на МКС

Experiment Cosmocard (фото)

Эксперимент Космокард

Experiment Cosmocard – Study of the effect of space flight factors on electrophysiological characteristics of myocardium and their relation to vegetative blood circulation regulation processes in conditions of long-duration weightlessness. see more >>

Experiment “Konstanta-2” (photo)

Эксперимент Константа-2

Experiment “Konstanta -2” – Studying the effect of spaceflight factors on the isolated ferment-substrate systems. see more >>

Space Pizza (photo)

Космическая пицца

Recently we made some Сosmic Pizza.

DAN Experiment (photo)

Эксперимент Дан

Purpose: The aim of the experiment is to determine the relationship between changes in pressure in the carotid artery caused by redistribution of blood in the upper half of the body in weightlessness, and changes in sensitivity of the central respiratory mechanism (CRM). see more >>

Тотальный диктант-2018 на МКС (фото)

Тотальный диктант-2018 на МКС

Sorry, this entry is only available in Русский.

The Celebration of Cosmonautics Day and my Daughter’s 7-month on the ISS (photo)

Празднование 12 апреля и 7 месяцев моей дочки Анфисы на МКС

Cosmonautics Day! (video)

С Днем Космонавтики!

Space Ice Cream (photo)

Космическое мороженое

SpaceX Dragon cargo ship delivered ice cream to the International Space Station. Delicious!

Congratulations recording (photo)

Запись поздравлений

Congratulations recording Congratulations recording for “Retro FM” Congratulations recording by Cosmonautics Day

“Fazoperehod’ (“Phase Transition”) Space Experiment (photo)

Эксперимент Фазопереход

“Fazoperehod’ (“Phase Transition”) Space Experiment “Fazoperehod’ (“Phase Transition”) Space Experiment is run on board the “Progress-M” cargo transport vehicle being a part of the ISS. The purpose of “Fazoperehod” is to determine performance specifications of heat pipes in the orbital operational environment. Heat pipes themselves are components of heat transfer elements (HTE), which also include […]

Сylinder Replacement for Flame Extinguishment Experiment (photo)

Замена баллона для эксперимента "Диффузионное пламя"

Сylinder Replacement for Experiment Difusion Flame Experiment Difusion Flame Objective: Obtaining high-precision experimental data for studying laminar diffusion flame in the concurrent stream of fuel and oxidizer. Tasks: Experimental study of the properties of diffusion flame of methane and ethane in the concurrent stream of air under microgravity conditions. Obtaining data about the shape of […]

Work on ISS. Communication Panel Test in the Lock-Chamber (photo)

Проверка пульта связи в шлюзовом отсеке СО1


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