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Archives: August, 2020

Over California, USA (video)

Пролетаем над Калифорнией

Las Salinas del Bebedero, Argentina (photo)

Солончак Лас-Салинас-дель-Бебедеро, Аргентина

Las Salinas del Bebedero is a salt marsh located in the Lagunas de Guanacache marshes (marshland in western Argentina in the San Juan provinces), stretching for almost 200 km on the lands of the three western provinces of Argentina. Salinas del Bebedero is located 42 km southwest of San Luis and 15 km south of […]

Bahamas (photo)

Багамские острова

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August 25, 2018 – celebration of the birthday of Andrew Feustel on the ISS (video)

25 августа 2018 г. - празднование Дня Рождения Эндрю Фойстела на МКС

August 25 – Andrew Feustel’s Birthday. In 2018 we are celebrated it on the ISS.

Hawaiian Islands (photo)

Hawaiian Islands

E komo mai (e komo mai) – translated from colloquial Hawaiian means “Welcome”! As you might have guessed, the photographs show the Hawaiian Islands – an archipelago of volcanic origin from islands and atolls located in the North Pacific Ocean. The islands got their name from the largest island – Hawaii, and it in turn […]

After Spacewalk. Dismantling the Orlan Spacesuit. (video)

Разборка скафандра Орлан после выхода в открытый космос

After Spacewalk. Dismantling the Orlan Spacesuit.

Fujiyama (Fuji) (photo)

Fujiyama (Fuji) is an active stratovolcano on the Japanese island of Honshu, 90 kilometers southwest of Tokyo. A stratovolcano or layered volcano is a type of volcano that has a conical shape and is composed of many solidified layers of lava, tephra and volcanic ash. It is characterized by a tall, steep shape and periodic […]

Brazil (photo)

Vitória & Vila Velha (Brazil) Vila Velha (Brazil) Doce River delta Download big pictures:

Fly over New Zealand (video)

Пролетаем над Новой Зеландией

Fly over New Zealand

New issue of Russian Cosmos Magazine released (July, 2020)

Вышел новый номер журнала Русский Космос за Июнь 2020

New issue of Russian Cosmos magazine released (July, 2020) download (rus, .PDF) >>

8 Questions about the Special Parachute Training for the Cosmonauts (video)

8 вопросов о Специальной Парашютной Подготовке Космонавтов

On the eve of the Day of the Airborne Forces of Russia, I answer 8 questions about the Special Parachute Training for the Cosmonauts


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