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Archives: June, 2015

Clouds & Horizon (photo)


Laguna de Salinas, Peru (photo)

Лагуна Де Салинас, Перу

Cities of the World – Crotone, Italy (photo)

Города мира - Кротоне, Италия

Typhoon over the Ocean (photo)

Тайфун над океаном

Gulf of Corinth, Greece (photo)

Коринфский залив, Греция

San Quintin Glacier, Chile (photo)

Ледник Сан-Тадео (Сан-Кинтин), Чили

The San Quintín Glacier is the largest outflow glacier of the Northern Patagonian Ice Field in southern Chile. Its terminus is a piedmont lobe just short of the Gulf of Penas on the Pacific Ocean and just north of 47°S.

Patterns of the Sahara Desert (photo)

Узоры Сахары

Over The Bahamas (photo)

Над Багамскими островами

Over Iran & Iraq (photo)

Над Ираном

Cities of the World – Cayenne, French Guiana (photo)

Города мира - Кайенна, Французская Гвиана

Issyk Kul Lake, Kyrgyzstan (photo)

Озеро Иссык Куль. Киргизия

Lake Titicaca (photo)

На озере Титикака

Over Brazil (photo)

Над Бразилией

Near the Mountain Gyachung-Kang, Himalayas (photo)

В районе горы Гьячунг-Канг, Гималаи

Gulf of Aden (photo)

Аденский залив

Aleutian Islands (photo)

Алеутские острова

Cities of the World – Taranto, Italy (photo)

Города мира - Таранто, Италия

Meeting in children’s camp “Orlyonok”. June 8, 2015 (photo)

Встреча в детском лагере Орлёнок в Клинском районе

Algere Barhans (photo)

Барханы Алжирской пустыни

Damavand Volcano. Iran (photo)

Вулкан Демавенд. Иран

Mount Damavand, a potentially active volcano, is a stratovolcano which is the highest peak in Iran and the Middle East as well as the highest volcano in Asia.

Moonset (photo)

Заход Луны

The floating Islands (photo)

Плывущие острова

Cities of the World – Atyrau, Kazakhstan (photo)

Города мира - Атырау, Казахстан

Lake Balkhash, Kazakhstan (photo)

Озеро Балхаш, Казахстан

Volcanoes in the Atacama Desert, South America (photo)

Вулканы пустыни Атакама, Южная Америка

Cities of the World – Al Khums, Libya (photo)

Города мира - Аль-Хумс, Ливия

Baikonur is 60 Years Old! (photo)

Байконуру 60 лет!

60 years have passed since the start of creation of one of the most famous places not only in Kazakhstan, but in the CIS – the world’s first spaceport Baikonur. On this day, February 12, in 1955 the Council of Ministers of the USSR adopted a decision on establishment of a testing ground for intercontinental […]

Poopo Lake, Bolivia (photo)

Озеро Поопо, Боливия

Poopo Lake is a large saline lake located in a shallow depression in the Altiplano Mountains in Bolivia at an altitude of approximately 3,700 metres.

Clouds (photo)



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