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Archives: September, 2014

Earth Paints – The Australian North Coast (photo)

Краски Земли - Север Австралии

The Australian North Coast. Arnhem Land, cape Arnhem.

September 26. 40th ISS Crew meeting with Scientists (photo)

26 сентября. Встреча 40-го экипажа МКС с учеными, кураторами научных экспериментов

Goven Peninsula. Kamchatka Krai (photo)

Полуостров Говена, Камчатский край

Sunrise from the ISS (photo)

Восход солнца

Over the North Africa (photo)

Над северной Африкой

New 41/42th season of ISS Space Travel (photo)

Начинается новый 42-й сезон космического путешествия МКС

Source: RIA Novosti MISSION CONTROL CENTER (KOROLYOV), September 26 (RIA Novosti) – Russian cosmonauts Alexander Samokutyaev, Elena Serova and US astronaut Barry Wilmore “floated” into the International Space Station (ISS) when the hatches between the Soyuz TMA-14M spacecraft and the ISS opened, Mission Control Center reported Friday. “The new arrivals were warmly welcomed by the […]

September 23. Meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin in the Zvyozdny Gorodok (Star City) (photo)

23 сентября 2014г. На встрече с вице-премьером Российской Федерации Дмитрием Рогозиным в ПК им. Гагарина

The Clouds (photo)


Sochi-2007, 2010, 2014 (photo)

Сочи 2007-2010-2014

  Sochi is the capital of the winter Olympic Games 2014. Construction Stages of the Olympic Objects. Sochi, July 2007 (photo by cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin – yurchikhin.livejournal.com) Sochi, October 2010. Before the winter Olympic Games 2014 (photo by cosmonaut Fyodor Yurchikhin – yurchikhin.livejournal.com). Sochi, June 2014. After the winter Olympic Games 2014 (photo by cosmonaut […]

Sunrise at the ISS (photo)

Рассвет на МКС

Sport on the ISS (photo)

Физкультура на МКС

Before Sunrise (photo)

Перед восходом...

Cities of the World – Nantes in France (photo)

Города мира - где-то ночью в Западной Европе

Download big pictures:

Assessment of Functional Properties of the Neuro-Muscular Apparatus (Tendometria) (фото, video)

Послеполётные исследования - Тендометрия (фото)

Microgravity impact on induced muscular contraction; long duration space flight impact on muscular and peripheral nervous apparatus.  

The Evening Clouds (photo)

Вечерние облака

Oleg Artemyev took part in postflight scientific experiments (photo, video)

Космонавт МКС-39/40 Олег Артемьев принял участие в послеполётных научных экспериментах

Sorry, this entry is only available in Russian. You can use Google Translator or this links (www.spaceflight101.com).

The Stars… ISS… Aurora… (photo)

Полярное сияние

The Evening Clouds (photo)

На закате...

The very same watermelon… (photo)

Тот самый астраханский арбуз... тот самый звёздный диван в профилактории

…is very sweet…

Solar Panels of the Service Module “Zvezda” (photo)

Солнечные панели служебного модуля "Звезда"

Family “Rehabilitation” (photo)

Семейная реабилитация

ISS-40/41 Crews Meeting in the Zvyozdny Gorodok (Star City) (photo)

Встреча 40-го и 41-го экипажей МКС в Звёзном Городке

The Soyuz TMA-12M 40th Expedition Landing (photo)

Приземление и встреча 40-й экспедиции га МКС

Hatches Closed Between Soyuz TMA-12M & ISS As Crew Depart for Earth (Video) Space Station Trio Prepares for Wednesday Departure Photo NASA Photo Roskosmos

The Soyuz TMA-12M 40th Expedition Landing (video)

The Soyuz TMA-12M 40th Expedition Landing (Photo) Space Station Trio Prepares for Wednesday Departure The Soyuz TMA-12M 40th Expedition Landing

Over the North Africa (photo)

Над северной Африкой

Space Station Trio Prepares for Wednesday Departure

Завершается работа 40-й экспедиции на МКС

The Soyuz TMA-12M 40th Expedition Landing (Photo) Hatches Closed Between Soyuz TMA-12M & ISS As Crew Depart for Earth (Video) NASA astronaut Steve Swanson handed over command of the International Space Station to Max Suraev Tuesday at 5:15 p.m. EDT. Expedition 40/41 Change of Command Aboard Station Three International Space Station crew members are set to […]

The Evening Clouds (photo)

Облака на закате

100 000 instagram followers!

100 000 подписчиков в инстаграме!

The Earth… The Blue Ocean… (photo)

Земля... Голубой океан...

September 8. Battle of Borodino (photo)

8 Сентября - День Бородинского сражения

The Battle of Borodino fought on September 7, 1812, was the largest and bloodiest single-day action of the French invasion of Russia and the Napoleonic Wars, involving more than 250,000 troops and resulting in at least 70,000 casualties.


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