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Archives: July 14, 2014

Earth Paints – Between the Caspian Sea and the Persian Gulf – Lake Urmia, Eastern Azerbaijan (photo)

Краски Земли - Между Каспием и Персидским заливом

Lake Urmia, Eastern Azerbaijan. Lake Urmia is a salt lake in northwestern Iran near Iran’s border with Turkey. The lake is between the provinces of Eastern Azerbaijan and Western Azerbaijan, and west of the southern portion of the Caspian Sea. It is the largest lake in the Middle East and the sixth largest saltwater lake […]

Kamchatka (photo)


Over Dubai (photo)

Над Дубаем

Earth Paints – Volga Delta (photo)

Дельта Волги

The Volga Delta is the largest river delta in Europe, and occurs where Europe’s largest river system, the Volga River, drains into the Caspian Sea in Russia’s Astrakhan Oblast, north-east of the republic of Kalmykia. The delta is located in the Caspian Depression—the far eastern part of the delta lies in Kazakhstan. The delta drains […]

Work on ISS. Filter replacement in FGB (Functional Cargo Block) (photo)

Замена фильтра в ФГБ (функционально-грузовой блок)

Persian Gulf (photo)

Персидский залив

SuperMoon (photo)

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