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Archives: April, 2014

Space food (photo)

Космическая пища

Russian Сosmonauts Food:

Two Anniversaries

2 памятные даты

26 april – one month in Space. 28 april – one month on ISS.

International Space Station’s orbit to be raised by over 2 kilometers

Высота орбиты полета Международной космической станции увеличена на 2,15 км

Source: ITAR TASS   MOSCOW, April 29. /ITAR-TASS/. The orbit of the International Space Station (ISS) will be corrected on Tuesday by raising it by 2.15 kilometers (1.3 miles), the Mission Control Center reported. “The maneuver will be carried out using the thrusters of Progress M-21M cargo spacecraft, which is currently docked with the station,” […]

Work at station. Fungistat Processing (photo)

Обработка запанельного пространства Фунгистатом

Fungistat processing

Experiment “Obstanovka” (photo)

Эксперимент "Обстановка"

Experiment “Obstanovka”. Experiment “Obstanovka” (detail)

Today 27.04 (1942), was born the cosmonaut Valeriy Polyakov (photo, video)

Сегодня, день рождения космонавта Валерия Полякова (фото и видео)

Today 27.04 (1942), was born the cosmonaut Valeriy Polyakov – a record on stay in space 438 days. Happy Birthday!   Cosmonaut Valeriy Polyakov

Experiment “Virtual” 25 april (photo)

Эксперимент "Виртуал" 25 апреля

Experiment “Virtual” 25 april, already the third time. Experiment “Virtual” (detail)

“SMS to ISS” results (video)


“SMS to ISS” results Source: Roskosmos

Russian Progress M-21M re-tests new Kurs-NA system (photo)

Проверка новой системы сближения и стыковки "Курс-НА" на Прогрессе

Progress M-21M re-tests new Kurs-NA system Undocking Progress 23 april Re-docking Progress 25 april

Ubinas is Peru’s most recently active volcano (photo)

Вулкан Убинас, Южная Америка (фото)

Yesterday. in a lens the volcano Ubinas (Peru). wiki

The SpaceX Dragon CRS-3 Mission (video)

Открытие люка SpaceX Dragon CRS-3 (видео)

SpaceX Dragon CRS-3 Rendezvous And Grapple NASA TV Coverage

Extra-vehicular activity (EVA). Rick Mastracchio and Steve Swanson April 23 (photo, video)

Выход в космос американских астронавтов Рика Мастраккио и Стивена Свонсона 23 апреля (фото)


15 best SMS congratulations are transferred to cosmonauts of ISS

Космонавтам МКС передано 15 лучших SMS-поздравлений

To cosmonauts of the International Space Station it is transferred 15 best SMS within the action “SMS to ISS”.

Air test in Dragon (photo)

Отбор проб воздуха в грузовике Dragon (фото)

Air test in Dragon.

Astronauts Complete Short Spacewalk to Replace Backup Computer

Экипаж МКС совершит выход в открытый космос для замены вышедшего из строя компьютера

Источник: NASA NASA Astronauts Steve Swanson and Rick Mastracchio have completed a short spacewalk to replace a failed Multiplexer/Demultiplexer (MDM) back up computer. They began the re-pressurization of the Quest airlock at 11:32 a.m. EDT signifying the excursion’s end time. The backup computer failed April 11 after a routine health check by the Mission Control team […]

Russia’s supply spacecraft Progress M-21M to test approach system Kurs-NA

"Прогресс М-21М" отстыкуют от МКС для тестирования новой системы сближения "Курс-НА"

Source: ITAR TASS   MOSCOW, April 23. /ITAR-TASS/. Russia’s resupply spacecraft Progress M-21M is due to undock from the Interntaional Space Station (ISS) on Wednesday for the third testing of the new approach system Kurs-NA, which is installed on board the spacecraft, an official at the Flight Conrol Center (FCC) outside Moscow told ITAR-TASS. “At 12:57, […]

SpaceX Dragon Spacecraft Chasing Space Station (photos)

SpaceX Dragon Spacecraft Chasing Space Station (video)

Эксперт: сотрудничество РФ и США в космосе сконцентрируется на МКС

Source: RIA Novosti Webcast launch SpaceX Dragon CRS-3 Chasing SpaceX Dragon CRS-3

Spaceship Dragon Launch to ISS

Частный космический корабль Dragon успешно стартовал к МКС

Source: ИТАР ТАСС Spaceship Dragon Launch to ISS.

Progress M-22M to Sink in the Pacific Ocean

Грузовик "Прогресс М-22М"

Source: Russian Space News Progress M-22M cargo vehicle undocked from the ISS on April 7 and performing controlled flight will be deorbited on Friday and sank in the Pacific Ocean, – MCC representative reports. “The thrusters will be ignited for deorbiting at 18.54 Moscow time, April 18. The fragments of cargo vehicle well be sank […]

Preparation to extra-vehicular activity (photo)

Подготовка к выходу

Preparation to extra-vehicular activity.

Experiment “Relaxation” (photo)

Эксперимент "Релаксация"

Experiment «Relaxation» detail (rus)

“Kaplya-2” Experiment (photo)

Работа на МКС

“Kaplya-2” Experiment Experiment «Kaplya-2» detail (rus)

Total dictant 12 april (photo)

Диктант на орбите

Total dictant 12 april.

Work in ISS (photos)

Работа на станции

Work on ISS. Capacity filling for drinking water (EDV) (photos)

Работа на МКС. Наполнение емкости для питьевой воды (ЕДВ)

Capacity filling for drinking water (EDV)

The cosmonaut Oleg Artemyev took part in the stock “Total Dictation”

Диктант на орбите

Source: Пресс-служба Роскосмоса The cosmonaut Oleg Artemyev took part in the stock “Total Dictation”.

«Progress M-23M» docking to ISS. 10 april 2014 (photo)

ТГК «Прогресс М-21М» скорректировал орбиту МКС

Residents Saratov-city phoned to a space station (video rus)

Саратовцы дозвонились до орбитальной станции (видео)

Source: САРБК-ТВ Тег video не поддерживается вашим браузером. Скачайте видео. Residents Saratov-city phoned to a space station (video rus).

ISS orbit raised by over 3 km

ТГК «Прогресс М-21М» скорректировал орбиту МКС

Source: ITAR-TASS MOSCOW, April 12, /ITAR-TASS/. The Russian Mission Control Centre completed a manoeuvre on Saturday, April 12, to raise the orbit of the International Space Station (ISS). “The manoeuvre was performed using the engines of the Progress M-21M transport ship which is docked to the ISS. The engines were activated at the designated time and […]


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