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Archives for ‘Таблички’

Signs on ISS. Sign on Matreshka (Experiment Matreshka). She is now in the Japanese module (photo)

Надпись на Матрешке, сейчас находится в японском модуле

“Matreshka-R” Experiment (about…): About Experiment Matreshka on IMBP Site (rus)

Signs on ISS. The inscription on the hatch of the Japanese lock-chamber (photo)

Надпись на люке японской шлюзовой камеры

Exp38 & Exp39 emblems in japanese JEM module (photo)

Эмблемы 38 и 39 экспедиций в японском модуле JEM

Exp38 & Exp39 emblems in japanese JEM module

Signs on ISS. Location of Smoke Detectors in the Service Module of fire detection systems (photo)

Таблички на МКС. Месторасположения датчиков дыма в Служебном модуле системы пожарообнаружения

We continue to study Signs on ISS.

Signs on ISS. Instructions on opening and closing of intermodular hatches (photo)

Таблички на МКС. Инструкции по открытию и закрытию межмодульных люков

Opening Hatch Closing Hatch

Signs on ISS. Instructions on EV hatch opening (photo)

Инструкции по открытию выходного люка в СО

Instructions on EV hatch opening before the spacewalk. Are located on the output hatch. Sign the Russian language Sign the English language

Signs on ISS. Fire Port. (photo)

Таблички на МКС. Пожарный порт.

We’re continuing to study Signs on ISS. One of the plurality fire ports. Port designed to extinguish the space behind the panels. This port, (see to the label) situated at the entrance to Columbus modulus.

Signs on ISS. Rescue Boats (photo)

Таблички на МКС. Спасательные шлюпки.

Frequently asked question about the meaning of various signs on the ISS. I’m starting a new rubrics with photos of signs. The sign with the directions on the Rescue boats. Glows in the dark.


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