Breakfast. Menu of the 6th day of 16 daily diets – Russian diet on the ISS
Archives for ‘Быт’
August 2. Running in the Morning in the Day of Russian Airborne Forces (photo)
August 2. Running in the Morning in the Day of Russian Airborne Forces.
August 2. Breakfast&Dinner in the Day of Russian Airborne Forces (photo)
August 2. Day of Russian Airborne Forces.
Dinner on ISS (photo)
Dinner. Menu of the 15th day of 16 daily diets – Russian diet on the ISS
Navy Day Celebrations. July 27 (photo)
Dinner in Honor of the Navy Day. Sport in the Navy Day. Private Family Conference in the Navy Day
Parachutist Day. July 26 (photo)
Breakfast on the Parachutist Day. July 26.
Space food – Dinner on ISS (photo)
Dinner. Menu of the second day of 16 daily diets – Russian diet on the ISS I was lucky with a Bonus – Baunti got
Space food – Breakfast on ISS (photo)
Breakfast. Menu of the third day 16-day diet – Russian diet on the ISS
Our Watch on ISS (photo)
The main onboard clock, at the central post (with red numbers), is used to check the time, they, in turn, are adjusted by voice commands from the Earth. To the right of the onboard clock, a white alarm clock-timer is used constantly for its intended purpose, as an alarm clock for getting up and reminding […]
Last Sunday one more private family conference (photo)
Private family conference with the cosvonaut Tarelkin’s family.
Space food. (video)
The menu for the Italian (rus) Food for Cosmonauts (rus)
Successors of the greenhouse business (photo)
Our american partners temporarily suspended greenhouse experiment. But we continue and already grew up a green onions.
Bonuses before the Spacewalk (фото)
Before Spacewalk we got a pleasant Bonuses.
Work on ISS. Working out of medical operations skills for responsible person (photo)
Working out of medical operations skills for responsible person. The equipment can be used in emergency situations at risk for crew life. For skills ensuring each crew member carries out viewing of materials on the equipment monthly. It needs to do within an hour.
Gifts from the Earth (photo)
The Soyuz TMA-13M brought to us gifts from Earth The inscriptions on the boxes: at the left – sausages, caviar, onions on the right – apples, oranges
May 27 was the Russian Library Day (photo)
May 27 was the Russian Library Day. At station there is a small library, collected over 14 years of flight by different crews. There are artistic and technical literature, as well as have a large digital library that can be read on the iPAD
May 28, Day of the Border Guards on ISS (photo)
The ISS crew congratulates all Border Guards with their professional holiday! Holiday breakfast on the Day of the Border Guard and the arrival of a new crew to the ISS.
Space shampoos (photo)
Space shampoos: russian “Aelita” & american “No Rinse” detail
The ISS cutlery (photo)
Food Serving Facilities (FSF). This cutlery available on the ISS. That’s all we can use. There are rarities left after the Space Shuttle program.
Morning Toilet. Haircut and Shaving on ISS (photo)
Sometimes, the short hairstyle is much convenient…
Family in touch (photo)
Every weekend austronauts have possibilities to talf with families
Russian diet on the ISS
(The Main Part 16 daily diets) DAY 1 DAY 2 Pork w/ eggs Little jar Rice cereal traditional Rehydratable 5 grain cereal w/ prunes Rehydratable Cottage cheese w/ nuts Rehydratable Coffee w/ sugar Coffee w/o sugar Vitamins Vitamins Lyubitelskaya saute (vegetables) Little jar Jellied rainbow […]
The cosmonaut Oleg Artemyev took part in the stock “Total Dictation”
Source: Пресс-служба Роскосмоса The cosmonaut Oleg Artemyev took part in the stock “Total Dictation”.