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Tags: ‘космос’

May 21 is celebrated all over the world – International Space Day! (photo)

С Днём космоса, друзья!

According to Einstein’s theory of relativity – the Universe has arisen from a certain point with a very high density and an infinite amount of energy – the Big Bang. There are other theories, but at the moment there is no way to test any of them. Astrophysicists believe that the universe is the same […]

Live on Instagram, April 30, 2020 (video replay)

Прямой эфир О командной работе в Инстаграм 30 апреля 2020 г.

April 22nd. Video lesson at the Golden Section School (rus)

Олег Германович Артемьев

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Live on Roscosmos Instagram April 12, 2020 (video replay)

Запись прямого эфира в Инстаграмме Роскосмоса 12 Апреля 2020 г.

Poster. “First Squad of Cosmonauts”

Плакат Первый Отряд Космонавтов

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