The purpose of the Interaction-2 space experiment is to study the patterns of intra- and inter-group (interaction with the Mission Control Center) dynamics during a long-term space flight of an international crew. More about the experiment: (eng) (rus)
Tags: ‘эксперимент’
ISS Experiments – “Kaltsiy” Experiment (video)
See more about “Kaltsiy” Experiment –
Disinfection on the ISS – Treatment of Panels with Fungistat (video)
Work at the station. Disinfection. Treatment of Panels with Fungistat photo >>
Dzhanibekov Effect in Zero Gravity (video)
Dzhanibekov Effect in Zero Gravity The tennis racket theorem or intermediate axis theorem is a result in classical mechanics describing the movement of a rigid body with three distinct principal moments of inertia. It is also dubbed the Dzhanibekov effect, after Russian cosmonaut Vladimir Dzhanibekov who noticed one of the theorem’s logical consequences while in […]
Training began on the actions after landing the descent vehicle of the Soyuz spacecraft on the water surface (photo)
Training began on the actions after landing the descent vehicle of the Soyuz spacecraft on the water surface. During the training, two types of training are performed: “long” and “short”. “Long” training – the descent vehicle is on the water and we need to change clothes inside the descent capsule from the Sokol spacesuit into […]
Installation of scientific equipment in the airlock of the Japanese module (video)
Installation of scientific equipment in the airlock of the Japanese module for subsequent work in outer space.
Work on the ISS – installation of protective curtains against radiation in a personal cabin (video)
Experiment Matryoshka-R – Study of Cosmic Rays on ISS Russian Segment more details –
UDOD Experiment (photo)
UDOD Experiment Studying combined changes in respiration and hemodynamics when exposed to additional breathing resistance in inspiration, aimed at preventing possible hemodynamic disturbances under conditions of a long-duration spaceflight. see more >>
Thank you very much for your support in Baikonur (photo, video)
Thank you very much for your support in Baikonur. Such support is always important for those who fly to space!!!
Experiment «Separation» (photo)
Working on an experiment Separation. Water is a precious and limited resource in space, so orbiting crew members recycle it whenever possible, including recycling their own urine. The water recovery system provides clean water by reclaiming wastewater (including water from urine). The recovered water must meet stringent standards before it can be used to support […]
Tree micro Satellites were successfully deployed (foto, video)
Tree micro satellites were successfully deployed via a special device mounted on the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) Remote Manipulator System (JEMRMS).
Experiment Cosmocard (фото)
Experiment Cosmocard – Study of the effect of space flight factors on electrophysiological characteristics of myocardium and their relation to vegetative blood circulation regulation processes in conditions of long-duration weightlessness. see more >>
Experiment “Konstanta-2” (photo)
Experiment “Konstanta -2” – Studying the effect of spaceflight factors on the isolated ferment-substrate systems. see more >>
DAN Experiment (photo)
Purpose: The aim of the experiment is to determine the relationship between changes in pressure in the carotid artery caused by redistribution of blood in the upper half of the body in weightlessness, and changes in sensitivity of the central respiratory mechanism (CRM). see more >>
“Fazoperehod’ (“Phase Transition”) Space Experiment (photo)
“Fazoperehod’ (“Phase Transition”) Space Experiment “Fazoperehod’ (“Phase Transition”) Space Experiment is run on board the “Progress-M” cargo transport vehicle being a part of the ISS. The purpose of “Fazoperehod” is to determine performance specifications of heat pipes in the orbital operational environment. Heat pipes themselves are components of heat transfer elements (HTE), which also include […]
Сylinder Replacement for Flame Extinguishment Experiment (photo)
Сylinder Replacement for Experiment Difusion Flame Experiment Difusion Flame Objective: Obtaining high-precision experimental data for studying laminar diffusion flame in the concurrent stream of fuel and oxidizer. Tasks: Experimental study of the properties of diffusion flame of methane and ethane in the concurrent stream of air under microgravity conditions. Obtaining data about the shape of […]
Profilaktika-2 Experiment (photo)
Profilaktika-2 Experiment – Investigation of mechanisms of action and effectiveness of different physical exercise modes in long-term SF conditions on the state of general and physical performance of cosmonauts. see moore >> Anton is examined. I Take Blood Test. Now, we’ve changed
The cosmic onion. Part 2.
The cosmic Onion. Part 2. Green Onions in 2014
Выполненные работы экипажа МКС-55/56 за 100/6 сутки полёта 27.03.2018 г.
Sorry, this entry is only available in Русский.
Assessment of Functional Properties of the Neuro-Muscular Apparatus (Tendometria) (фото, video)
Microgravity impact on induced muscular contraction; long duration space flight impact on muscular and peripheral nervous apparatus.
Experiment CASKAD (photo)
Experiment CASKAD. Manual Mixing in Bioreactor (detail >>) Investigation of cell cultivation of microorganisms, animals and human in microgravity conditions to obtain the concentrated biomass with a high content of cells providing the increased output of target bioactive substances (BAS).
Experiment “EXPOSE-R” (photo)
Experiment “EXPOSE-R” (detail >>) is Eczobiological investigations of the space environment (ultraviolet radiation, vacuum and ionizing radiation) effect on organic and biological samples. EXPOSE-R. Mounting hardware connection scheme