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Tags: ‘краски земли’

Republic of Minerva Coral Reefs (photo)

Коралловые Рифы Республики Минерва

Republic of Minerva North Reef Republic of Minerva South Reef The Republic of Minerva is an unrecognized micro-state, proclaimed on the coral reefs of Minerva south of the Fiji Islands on January 19, 1972. The founder of the republic was the American millionaire of Lithuanian origin Michael Oliver. As he assumed, the new state would […]

Earth Paints – Laguna Colorada is a mineral Lake. Bolivia (photo)

Краски Земли - Минеральное озеро Лагуна-Колорада. Боливия

Laguna Colorada is a mineral lake located in the Eduardo Avaroa National Reserve in the southwestern part of Bolivia near the border with Chile. The red-brown color of the water is due to sedimentary rocks, as well as the pigmentation of some algae growing there. Borax islands can also be found in the lake. The […]

Bahamas (photo)

Багамские острова

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Desert Landscapes Saudi Arabia (photo)

Пустынные пейзажи Саудовской Аравии

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Earth Paints – Australia (photo)

Краски Земли — Австралия

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Iranian Desert (photo)

Иранские пустыни

In the photographs the desert of Iran. Deshte Kevir is a salt marsh desert. Its total area is about 55,000 km2. On the territory of Dasht-e Kaviris the Iranian cosmodrome – Semnan. Deshte Lut – sand and salt marshes desert. A shallow lake forms in the low part of the salt marsh basin of the […]

Earth Paints – Kuyalnitsky Estuary (photo)

Краски Земли - Куяльницкий лиман

The pearl of the “Colors of the Earth” collection is the Kuyalnitsky estuary located 3 km northwest of the coast of the Odessa Gulf of the Black Sea, 8 km from the center of Odessa. Its name is associated with a high concentration of salt in the water of the estuary – more than 300 […]

Earth Paints – Urmia Salt Lake, Iran (photo)

Краски Земли - дамба на солёном Урмия

Earth Paints – Palmanova, Italy (photo)

Краски Земли

Earth Paints – Maharloo Salt Lake, Iran (photo)

Краски Земли - Пустынная роза

This object reminds me of a beautiful red rose. Maharloo Lake, also known as Daryache-ye-Namak is a seasonal salt lake in the highlands of the area of Shiraz, Iran. 27.0 km (16.8 mi) southeast of Shiraz, the lake salt is rich in potassium and other salts.

Earth Paints – Lake Urmia, Eastern Azerbaijan (Iran) (photo)

Краски земли - Озеро Урмия, Восточный Азербайджан (Иран)

Northern Australia, the Gulf of Carpentaria (photo)

Север Австралии, залив Карпентария

Earth Paints – Africa, Namibian Desert (photo)

Краски Земли - Африка, Пустыня в Намибии

Earth Paints – Juan de Nova Island (photo)

Краски Земли. Остров Жуан-ди-Нова

Juan de Nova Island, also known as Saint-Christophe, is a 4.4 square kilometres (1.7 sq mi) low, flat, tropical island in the narrowest part of the Mozambique Channel, about one-third of the way between Madagascar and Mozambique.

Earth Paints – Africa, Namibian Desert (photo)

Краски Земли - Африка, Пустыня в Намибии

Earth Paints – Africa, Mozambique, Lago Micavani (photo)

Краски Земли - Африка, Мозабик, Lago Micavani

Earth Paints – The Australian North Coast (photo)

Краски Земли - Север Австралии

The Australian North Coast. Arnhem Land, cape Arnhem.

Earth Paints – The Bahamas (photo)

Краски Земли - Багамские острова

Earth Paints – Smokes in the Volga Delta (photo)

Дым в дельте Волги


Earth Paints – The Bahamas. Barry Islands (photo)

Краски Земли - Багамские острова

Earth Paints – Reservoir on the Sinnamary River nearby Guiana Space Centre (photo)

Водохранилище рядом с космодромом Куру

Reservoir on the Sinnamary River nearby Guiana Space CentreSinnamary River.

Earth Paints – San Salvador Island, The Bahamas (photo)

Краски Земли - Багамские острова

Australian mines (photo)

Рудники Австралии

Earth Paints – The Bahamas (photo)

Краски Земли - Багамские острова

Acklins Island – Atwood Habour.

Earth Paints – Plantation Key, Florida, USA (photo)

Краски Земли - Плантейшн-Ки, Флорида, США

Earth Paints – Marquesas Keys, Florida, USA (photo)

Краски Земли - Маркизские Ключи, Флорида, США

The Marquesas Keys form an uninhabited island group about 20 miles (32 km) west of Key West, 4 miles (6 km) in diameter, and largely covered by mangrove forest. They are an unincorporated area of Monroe County, Florida and belong to the Lower Keys Census County Division. They are protected as part of the Key […]

Earth Paints – Plantation in Egypt (photo)

Краски Земли - плантации на юге Египта

Earth Paints – Lake Abert, USA, Oregon (photo)

Краски Земли - озеро Аберт, США, шт. Орегон

Earth Paints – Cuba over Clouds (photo)


Paints of Africa (photo)

Краски Африки

Sandy dunes of Sahara.


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