Source: The XV Latin American Olympiad in Astronomy and Space Sciences is being held in the Republic of Panama. The event is organized by the Center for Innovation in Space Sciences of Panama, which develops training programs in the specialized field and popularizes cosmonautics in the country. At the opening of this largest space-related […]
Tags: ‘Китай’
ZION Headquarters Opening Ceremony in China

On August 21-22, 2023, Roscosmos cosmonaut Oleg Germanovich Artemyev will take part in the opening ceremony of the ZION headquarters in China and the celebration of the 60th anniversary of ionotropic technology in Chengdu, People’s Republic of China. Read more about the company Zion and ionotropic technology.
Запуск пилотируемого корабля “Шэньчжоу-15” к китайской орбитальной станции “Тяньгун” 29 ноября 2022 г. (фото, видео)

Запуск пилотируемого корабля “Шэньчжоу-15” с тремя тайконавтами китайской орбитальной станции “Тяньгун” для первой ротации экипажей состоялся 29 ноября в 23:08 (18:08 мск) На станцию отправились три тайконавта: Фей Цзюньлун, Дэн Цинмин и Чжан Лу. Запись прямой трансляции старта корабля “Шэньчжоу-15” 29 ноября в 18.08 мск на Weibo (кит. язык):
Western China and Lake Kukunor (Qinghai) (photo)

Kukunor is the second largest inland mountain salt lake in Central Asia after Lake Issyk-Kul. It is mountainous and is located at an altitude of 3205 m. Chinese – Qinghai, Mongolian – Khukh-Nur and Tibetan – Tso Ngongpo names mean “blue-green (turquoise) sea (lake)”.One of the first Europeans to explore the lake was the Russian […]
The Launch of a new manned Spacecraft of the PRC from the Wenchang Cosmodrome took place (video)

Just recently, May 05, 2020 at 01:06 PM (Moscow time), the launch of a new manned spacecraft of the PRC from the Wenchang cosmodrome took place! This was the first test flight of a new manned ship, which in the future will have to replace the current ships “Shenzhou” and cargo ships “Tianzhou”. It consists […]
24 апреля – День Космонавтики в Китайской Народной Республике (фото, видео)

Сегодня, 24 апреля, Китайская Народная Республика отмечает день космонавтики В этот день, 50 лет назад был выведен на орбиту первый китайский спутник “Дунфанхун-1” (Dongfanghong-1, DFH-1) ракетоносителем “Чанчжэн-1” (Chang Zheng-1, CZ-1), стартовавшем с космодрома Цзюцюань. Китайская народная республика стала пятой страной после СССР, США, Франции и Японии, которая осуществила запуск ИСЗ (искусственный спутник Земли) с помощью […]
Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center (photo)

Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center is a Chinese space vehicle launch facility located in the Gobi desert, Inner Mongolia. It was founded in 1958, the first of China’s four spaceports. Since 1958, 105 launches have taken place.
Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center (photo)

Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center (JSLC) is a Chinese space vehicle launch facility (spaceport) located in the Gobi desert, about 1,600 km from Beijing. It is part of the Dongfeng Aerospace City (Base 10). Although the facility is geographically located within Ejin Banner of Inner Mongolia’s Alxa League, it is named after the nearest city, Jiuquan […]