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Archives: October, 2014

Stone Trees of South America. North of Chile (photo)

Каменные деревья Южной Америки

How to make selfie in zero gravity (video)

Как сделать селфи в невесомости

Clouds over Kamchatka (photo)

Облака над Камчаткой

Cities of World – Caraguatatuba, Brazil (photo)

Города мира - Карагуататуба, Бразилия

Aleutian Islands (photo)

Алеутские острова

The Aleutian Islands are a chain of 14 large volcanic islands and 57 smaller ones, forming part of the Aleutian Arc in the Northern Pacific Ocean, occupying an area of 6,821 sq mi (17,666 km²) and extending about 1,200 mi (1,900 km) westward from the Alaska Peninsula toward the Kamchatka Peninsula, marking a line between […]

Lesser Sunda Islands, Indonesia (photo)

Малые Зондские острова, Индонезия

On the right is Pulau Sumba.

Flying over Australia (photo)

Над Австралией

South American Glaciers under the Clouds (photo)

Ледники Южной Америки под облаками

Earth Paints – Africa, Namibian Desert (photo)

Краски Земли - Африка, Пустыня в Намибии

New Zealand, The North Island (photo)

Новая Зеландия с высоты МКС, Северный Остров

Continued Rehabilitation in the Czech Republic (photo)

Продолжение реабилитационных мероприятий в Чехии

Excursion Pneumo Puncture (Gas Injections) Acupuncture points are activated by injections of carbon dioxide under the skin. Pneumopuncture improves local blood circulation and dissipates pain and treats function disorders.

The Clouds (photo)


The Emas National Park. Brazil (photo)

Эмас - национальный парк Бразилии

The Emas National Park is a national park and a UNESCO World Heritage Site in the states of Goiás and Mato Grosso do Sul in Brazil.

Over the Persian Gulf (photo)

Вечером над Персидским заливом

Kivu Like, Africa (photo)

Озеро Киву, Африка

Lake Kivu is one of the African Great Lakes. It lies on the border between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda, and is in the Albertine Rift, the western branch of the East African Rift.

Cities of the World – San Diego City, California, USA (photo)

Города мира - Сан Диего, Калифорния, США

Earth Paints – Juan de Nova Island (photo)

Краски Земли. Остров Жуан-ди-Нова

Juan de Nova Island, also known as Saint-Christophe, is a 4.4 square kilometres (1.7 sq mi) low, flat, tropical island in the narrowest part of the Mozambique Channel, about one-third of the way between Madagascar and Mozambique.

Antuco Volcano, South America (photo)

Вулкан Антуко, Южная Америка

Antuco Volcano is a stratovolcano located in the Bío Bío Region of Chile, near Sierra Velluda and on the shore of Laguna del Laja.

ISS Solar Panels Pattern (photo)

Волшебные узоры солнечных панелей

Karaginsky Island (photo)

Остров Карагинский

Karaginsky Island or Karaginskiy Island is an island in the Karaginsky Gulf of the Bering Sea. The 40 km wide strait between the Kamchatka Peninsula and this island is called Litke Strait.

Crimea, Krasnoperekopsk, Isthmus of Perekop (photo)

Крым, г. Красноперекопск, Перекопский перешеек

Earth Paints – Africa, Namibian Desert (photo)

Краски Земли - Африка, Пустыня в Намибии

Cities in Russia – Volgograd (photo)

Города России - Город-герой Волгоград

New Caledonia (photo)

Новая Каледония

Sport on the ISS (video)

Спорт на МКС

Treadmill on the Russian Segment of ISS.

ISS over the Ocean (photo)

МКС на океаном

October 10. A solemn meeting of the ISS-39/40 Crew Members (photo)

10 октября. Торжественная встреча экипажа 39/40-й длительной экспедиции на МКС

A solemn meeting of the ISS-39/40 crew members (video) October 10. Expedition-39/40 ISS crew members press conference October 10. Exp39/40 crew lay flowers a the statue of Yuri Gagarin A solemn meeting of the ISS-39/40 crew members Autograph Session

A solemn meeting of the Exp39/40 ISS Crew Members (video)

Торжественная встреча членов экипажа МКС-39/40 в Звёздном Городке

ISS-39/40 Crew Members Press Conference Exp39/40 Crew lay Flowers at the Statue of Yuri Gagarin A solemn meeting of the Exp39/40 ISS Crew Members

Starry Sky on the ISS (photo)

Солнечные панели на фоне звёздного неба

Spiring Bay under the Clouds, Argentina (photo)

Аргентина, Spiring Bay под облаками


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