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Space Station Trio Prepares for Wednesday Departure

The Soyuz TMA-12M 40th Expedition Landing (Photo)
Hatches Closed Between Soyuz TMA-12M & ISS As Crew Depart for Earth (Video)

Space Station Trio Prepares for Wednesday Departure

NASA astronaut Steve Swanson handed over command of the International Space Station to Max Suraev Tuesday at 5:15 p.m. EDT.

Expedition 40/41 Change of Command Aboard Station

Three International Space Station crew members are set to return to Earth this week after living and working in space for nearly half a year. The journey home will begin for Aleksandr Skvortsov, Oleg Artemyev and Steve Swanson on Wednesday when their Soyuz TMA-12M spacecraft undocks from the Poisk module of the Space Station. Undocking is planned at 23:01 UTC followed by one and a half orbits of free flight to set up for the deorbit burn leading up to a parachute assisted landing in the steppe of Kazakhstan at 2:23 UTC on Thursday.

Landing Profile

UTC Undock +/- Landing +/- Event
      Soyuz Loading Complete
      Communication Reconfig for Undock
      Comm Checks
      Soyuz Activation
19:40:00 -03:21:30   Hatch Closure
22:21:00 -00:50:00   ISS hands to RS Control
22:26:00 -00:45:00   ISS Maneuver to Undocking Attitude
22:59:00 -00:02:30   ISS Control to Free Drift Mode
23:00:00 -00:01:30   Command Undocking Sequence
23:01:30 00:00:00   Physical Separation
22:03:10 +00:01:40   LVLH Snap&Hold
23:04:30 +00:03:00   Range: 20 Meters; Sep. Burn #1
23:10:00 +00:08:30   ISS Maneuver to nominal Attitude
00:00:00 +00:58:30   ISS to USOS Control
01:00:00 +01:58:30   Sunrise at Landing Site
01:30:36 +02:29:06 -0:53:03 Deorbit Burn Duration: 4:41, dV: 128.0m/s
01:35:16 +02:33:46 -0:48:23 End Deorbit Burn (423.0km, 7.23km/s)
01:50:18 +02:48:48 -0:33:21 Equator Crossing
01:58:00 +02:56:30 -0:25:39 Entering Daylight
01:58:21 +02:56:51 -0:25:16 Module Separation (139.8km, 7.57km/s)
02:01:15 +02:59:45 -0:22:24 Entry Interface (99.5km, 7.62km/s)
02:02:47 +03:01:17 -0:20:52 Entry Guidance enabled (80.2km, 7.62km/s)
02:08:13 +03:06:43 -0:15:26 Peak G Load – 3.84G (35.7km, 2.36km/s)
02:09:38 +03:08:08 -0:14:01 Parachute Opening Command (10.7km, 218m/s)
02:23:37 +03:22:07 -0:00:02 Soft Landing Engine Ignition
02:23:39 +03:22:09 00:00:00 TOUCHDOWN
04:23:00 ~+05:22 ~+02:00 Crew departs Landing Site

Landing on-line:

Oleg Artemyev’s blog: /en/mks/mks-online/

Roskosmos: http://www.federalspace.ru/316/

NASA TV: http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/

MCC: http://www.mcc.rsa.ru/

TV Russia 24: http://www.vesti.ru/


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