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Archives: May 31, 2014

Brazil, Rio de Janeiro & São Paulo (photo)

Бразилия, Рио-де-Жанейро и Сан-Паулу

The Upper Xingu River, tributary of the Amazon River Tietê River & Rio Grande River (the upper tributaries of the Paraná) west of Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo The coast between São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro Rio de Janeiro

Gifts from the Earth (photo)

Подарки с Земли

The Soyuz TMA-13M brought to us gifts from Earth The inscriptions on the boxes: at the left – sausages, caviar, onions on the right – apples, oranges

SPRINT Experiment – Ultrasonography Research of Foot Muscles (photo)

Эксперимент SPRINT

One more collaboration. SPRINT experiment – ultrasonography research of foot muscles. Steve is doing, I’m assisting – help to dress and make photo.

The Island in silver Water – Maiana Atoll (photo)

Атолл Маиана

Maiana is an atoll in Kiribati and is one of the Central Gilbert Islands. Maiana is 44 km south of the capital island of South Tarawa and has a population of 2,027 as of 2010. The north and eastern sides of the atoll are a single island whilst the western edge consists of submerged reefs, […]


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