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Archives: May 28, 2014

May 28, Day of the Border Guards on ISS (photo)

28 мая - День Пограничника на МКС

The ISS crew congratulates all Border Guards with their professional holiday! Holiday breakfast on the Day of the Border Guard and the arrival of a new crew to the ISS.

Пресс-конференция экипажа ТПК Союз ТМА-13М 27 мая 2014 года. Космодром Байконур (видео)

Пресс-конференция экипажа ТПК Союз ТМА-13М

Soyuz-FG launch with Soyuz TMA-13M – May 28, 2014

Сегодня состоится пуск ракеты-носителя «Союз-ФГ» с транспортным пилотируемым кораблём Союз ТМА-13М

Источник: ITAR-TASS BAIKONUR, May 28, /ITAR-TASS/. The manned spaceship SoyuTMA-13M with an international crew of next long-duration space expedition, the ISS-40/41 mission, will blast off from Baikonur spaceport on Wednesday in a journey to the International Space Station. A spaceport official told ITAR-TASS, “The carrier rocket Soyuz FG, with the Soyuz TMA-13M atop, is to […]

Previous 39th season of ISS Space Travel (photo)

Предыдущий 39-й сезон космического путешествия МКС

Medical control – Measurement of Shin Volume (photo)

Медицинский контроль - ИЗОГ

Measurement of shin volume – control of shin muscles changes from space flight factors. There is a device (Environmental Health System (EHS) – Acoustic Dosimeter) on a belt for American noise control near the astronaut experiment. Measurements are being made one day.

Work on ISS. Replacement of dust filters in SO (photo)

Работа на МКС. Замена пылефильтров в СО

Replacement of dust filters in a Docking Compartment, as well it is a gateway for an exit in space.


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