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Archives for ‘Новости’

Training before descent to Earth. Practicing manual controlled descent. (video)

Тренировка перед спуском на Землю. Отработка ручного управляемого спуска.

Training before descent to Earth. We put on the “Sokol” Spacesuit. (video)

Тренировка перед спуском на Землю. Надеваем скафандр «Сокол».

Meteorite protection on the ISS (video)

Элементы противометеоритной защиты на МКС

Meteorite protection on the ISS. Equipment for monitoring small objects of the “Otklik” experiment. Learn more about the “Otklik” experiment: https://tsniimash.ru/en/science/scientific-experiments-onboard-the-is-rs/cnts/experiments/otklik/ (eng) https://tsniimash.ru/science/scientific-experiments-onboard-the-is-rs/cnts/experiments/otklik/ (rus) Meteorite protection on the ISS. Equipment for monitoring small objects of the “Otklik” experiment. Learn more about the “Otklik” experiment: https://tsniimash.ru/en/science/scientific-experiments-onboard-the-is-rs/cnts/experiments/otklik/ (eng) https://tsniimash.ru/science/scientific-experiments-onboard-the-is-rs/cnts/experiments/otklik/ (rus)

Fly over New Zealand (video)

Пролетаем над Актау, Казахстан

April 24, 2021 Interview on Radio Russia in the program “Time Bends”

24 апреля 2021 г. Интервью на Радио России в программе Виражи Времени

My today’s interview on Radio Russia in the program “Time Bends” Listen to the recording:     My today’s interview on Radio Russia in the program “Time Bends” Listen to the recording:    

Happy Cosmonautics Day! (video)

Пролетаем над Актау, Казахстан

Dear Friends! Today our country and the whole world are celebrating a special jubilee Day of Cosmonautics! Exactly 60 years ago, on April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin entered world history forever as the first cosmonaut of the planet, having flown on the Vostok spacecraft! Its flight lasted 1 hour 48 minutes – this time was […]

New issue of Russian Cosmos Magazine released (March, 2021)

New issue of Russian Cosmos magazine released (March, 2021) read (.PDF) >> download (rus, .PDF) >>

At the Cosmonaut Training Center. Yu.A. Gagarin @gctc_official a meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission took place, which summed up the results of the crews’ readiness to perform a flight on the Soyuz MS and the Russian segment of the ISS under the programs of the 65th and 66th expeditions

At the Cosmonaut Training Center. Yu.A. Gagarin @gctc_official a meeting of the Interdepartmental Commission took place, which summed up the results of the crews’ readiness to perform a flight on the Soyuz MS and the Russian segment of the ISS under the programs of the 65th and 66th expeditions. Examination complex trainings passed with excellent […]

Flying over the Aktau, Kazakhstan (video)

Пролетаем над Актау, Казахстан

Forest Fires in the Mountains (video)

Лесные пожары в горах

Adjusting the Spacesuit for Height before going into Space (video)

Подгонка скафандра по росту перед Выходом в Космос

The Number of TikTok Subscribers has reached 500,000!

Количество подписчиков в ТикТок достигло 500 000!

Today, the number of subscribers in my TikTok has reached 500,000! TikTok – https://www.tiktok.com/@olegmks

Collective Typhoon observation (video)

Коллективное наблюдение за тайфуном

Closing the ISS hatch before the Russian crew exits into space (video)

Закрытие люка МКС перед выходом российского экипажа в космос

The process of closing the hatch between the ISS and the exit compartment before the Russian crew exits into outer space.

Let’s meditate! (video)


Fitting Spacesuit Gloves before Spacewalk (video)

Подгонка перчаток скафандра перед Выходом в Космос

Before each Spacewalk, the Elements of the Spacesuit are adjusted

Preparing the “Hawaii” Crew for Descent in the Descent Vehicle (2018) (video)

Подготовка экипажа Гавайи к спуску в Спускаемом Аппарате (2018)

We fly over the Crimea (video)

Пролетаем над Крымом

Disinfection on the ISS – Treatment of Panels with Fungistat (video)

Дезинфекция на МКС - Обработка панелей фунгистатом

Work at the station. Disinfection. Treatment of Panels with Fungistat photo >>

Интервью на Фестивале идей и технологий Rukami. 29 ноября 2020 (video, rus)

Интервью на Фестивале идей и технологий Rukami. 29 ноября 2020

Shift Transfer to the new Crew in the Russian Segment of the ISS (video)

Процесс передачи смены новому экипажу в российском сегменте МКС

Oсtober 03, 2018 Shift Transfer to the new Crew in the Russian Segment of the ISS.

ТОП 7 ФАКТОВ о самом ДОРОГОМ космическом ОБЪЕКТЕ (видео)

ТОП 7 ФАКТОВ о самом ДОРОГОМ космическом ОБЪЕКТЕ

Вышел новый ролик популяризатора космонавтики, к.т.н, доцента, Александры Даниленко -“ТОП 7 ФАКТОВ о самом ДОРОГОМ космическом ОБЪЕКТЕ”. Поддержим её канал на ютубе!

Fly over Chile, South America (video)

Пролетаем над Чили, Южная Америка

A Minute over Chile, South America

Concert in Orbit (video)

Концерт на орбите

The crew of the 56th long-term expedition to the ISS is performing Oleg Mityaev’s song “It’s great that we are all gathered here today!”

New issue of Russian Cosmos Magazine released (October, 2020)

Русский Космос за Октябрь 2020

New issue of Russian Cosmos magazine released (October, 2020) download (rus, .PDF) >>

Filming in Space. Want to become a leading Actress? (video)

МКС 20 лет!

Первый канал и Роскосмос запускают конкурс, победительница которого получит главную роль в первом художественном фильме, снятом в космосе. Хотите принять участие в кастинге? Внимательно ознакомьтесь с условиями и заполните анкету – https://www.1tv.ru/shows/kosmos/polet-v-kosmos-kasting.

November 20, 2020 – 20th anniversary of the ISS

МКС 20 лет!

20th anniversary of the ISS

President Putin named Russia’s Priorities in the Rocket and Space Sector. 11.02.2020 (video, rus)

Президент Путин назвал приоритеты России в ракетно-космической сфере. 02.11.2020

Inspirational interview with Elon Musk (video)

Вдохновляющее интервью Илона Маска

How to weigh an Cosmonaut? (video)

Как взвесить космонавта?

The Process of Weighing an Cosmonaut in Zero Gravity on the ISS using a Mass Meter.