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Tags: ‘новости из невесомости’

Our Watch on ISS (photo)

Часы, которыми мы пользуемся на МКС

The main onboard clock, at the central post (with red numbers), is used to check the time, they, in turn, are adjusted by voice commands from the Earth. To the right of the onboard clock, a white alarm clock-timer is used constantly for its intended purpose, as an alarm clock for getting up and reminding […]

Launch “Soyuz-U” with “Progress-M24M”. Docking “Progress-M24M” (видео)

Запуск ракеты-носителя "Союз-У" с ТГК "Прогресс-М24М" и стыковка грузовика "Прогресс-М24М" c МКС

Launch “Soyuz-U” with “Progress-M24M”. July 21 (MSK) Docking “Progress-M24M” to ISS. July 21 (MSK)

Work on ISS. Glass Windows Inspection and Photography. MIM2 Module (photo)

Работа на МКС. Осмотр и фотографирование стекол иллюминаторов

Russian Cargo Ship Departs the ISS. July 21 (GMT) (photo)

Отстыковка грузовика Прогресс от МКС. 21 июля

Russian Cargo Ship Departs the ISS. July 21 – Video

Russian Cargo Ship Departs the ISS. July 21 (GMT) (video)

Отстыковка грузовика Прогресс от МКС. 21 июля (GMT)

Russian Cargo Ship Departs the ISS. July 21 – Photos

Before one more Progress hatch closing (photo)

Перед закрытием люка очередного Прогресса

I am before Progress hatch closing Before closing of the Progress Hatch Alexander Skvortsov is before Progress Hatch closing. The Hatch is closed! Progress is ready to sending.

Work on ISS. Cleaning of removable Lattices GJT (Gas-liquid heat exchanger) in FGB (Functional Cargo Block) (photo)

Чистка сеток ГЖТ в ФГБ

Work on ISS. Preparation for ATV5 Cargo Reception (photo)

Работа на МКС. Подготовка к приёму ATV5

Inventory of Air Ducts for ATV5 Cargo reception.

Record of a greeting to celebration 700th birth anniversary of Sergius of Radonezh (photo)

Запись приветствия к празднованию 700-летия преподобного Сергия Радонежского

July 16, 2014. Cygnus Arrival (photo)

16 июля 2014 г. Прибытие грузовика Сигнус


Signs on ISS. Sign on Matreshka (Experiment Matreshka). She is now in the Japanese module (photo)

Надпись на Матрешке, сейчас находится в японском модуле

“Matreshka-R” Experiment (about…): About Experiment Matreshka on IMBP Site (rus)

Soyuz-Apollo Space Flight 39th Anniversary (photo)

39-я годовщина совместного космического полета Союз–Аполлон

Work with BMP (Micropurification Unit) (photo)

Работа с БМП

Work on ISS. Filter replacement in FGB (Functional Cargo Block) (photo)

Замена фильтра в ФГБ (функционально-грузовой блок)

July 12. Zvezda heads into orbit aboard a Proton rocket in the year 2000 (photo)

12 июля годовщина запуска модуля Звезда

Zvezda, DOS-8, also known as the Zvezda Service Module, is a component of the International Space Station (ISS). It was the third module launched to the station, and provides all of the station’s life support systems, some of which are supplemented in the USOS, as well as living quarters for two crew members. It is […]

Experiment Kulonovskiy Kristall (photo)

Эксперимент Кулоновский кристалл

Experiment Kulonovskiy Kristall (начался с МКС-39) (about): Study of dynamic and structural characteristics of the coulomb systems formed by the charged dispersed diamagnetic macroparticles in the magnetic trap; investigation of the following processes onboard the ISS RS: the condensed dust media – coulomb crystals and coulomb liquids formation by the charged macroparticles.

Work on ISS. Waste transfer in “Progress” Tanks (photo)

Работа на МКС. Перекачка отходов в грузовик

Landing Training (photo)

Тренировка спуска на Землю

On June 27 we had a training of descent to Earth. Training is successful, skills are not lost!

Work on ISS. Ecosphere (MO-21) Checking (photo)

Проверка Экосферы

Verification Scheme Assembling. Ecosphere’s Equipment (MO-21) Checking. MO-21 determines microbial contamination of the ISS atmosphere, specifically the total bacterial and fungal microflora counts and microflora composition according to morphologic criteria of microorganism colonies. The equipment, consisting of an air sampler set, a charger and power supply unit, provides samples to help determine microbial contamination of […]

“Otklik” Experiment (photo)

Эксперимент Отклик

Experiment “Otklik” – detail Updating meteoroid and technogenic environment model at altitudes of the Station flight in hazardous and unobserved by other aids particle size range (0.1-1.0 mm) in the interests of development of the flight equipment for monitoring meteoroid and technogenic hazards; development test of the equipment recording the particle impacts on the Station […]

June 27. Youth Day Celebration on the ISS (photo)

Празднование Дня Молодёжи на МКС

June 27. Youth Day in Russia. ISS crew also celebrated. It was fun and very friendly.

One more BAR Experiment (photo)

Очередной эксперимент БАР

Experiment BAR (about BAR): Development of a procedure to detect the signs of air leakage from ISS modules.

After EVA-38 (photo)

Работа после выхода в космос

Packing tool for storage. Removing spacesuit’s replaceable elements.

“Test” experiment data storage. After EVA-38. (photo)


Packing “Test” experiment’s results. Packing “Test” experiment’s results for return to Earth. Sampling from the window #2. EVA-38, June 19, 2014. The “Test” Experiment Scheme, June 19, 2014

SPHERES – Zero Robotics Experiment (photo)

Эксперимент SPHERES – Zero Robotics

Collaboration pulls together – Selfie with Reid Wiseman and Spheres, during a joint Experiment “SPHERES – Zero Robotics” I’m with Reid Wiseman during the “SPHERES – Zero Robotics” experiment”. SPHERES – Zero Robotics Test [SPHERES stands for Synchronized Position Hold, Engage, Reorient, Experimental Satellites and involves two satellites that are used inside the space station […]

Work on ISS. Life support system servicing – replacement of the solid waste container. (photo)

Техобслуживание системы жизнеобеспечения

Life support system servicing – the solid waste container replacement.

Last Sunday one more private family conference (photo)

Очередная приватка с семьёй

Private family conference with the cosvonaut Tarelkin’s family.

Next BAR Experiment (photo)

Очередной эксперимент БАР

Next BAR Experiment in Russia Day. Experiment BAR (about BAR): Development of a procedure to detect the signs of air leakage from ISS modules.

Work on ISS. A2 filter installation for cleaning the station atmosphere. (photo)

Установка фильтра А2 для очистки атмосферы станции

A2 filter installation (station atmosphere cleaning filter).

Experiment Matryoshka-R (photo)

Очередной эксперимент Матрёшка-Р

Experiment Matryoshka-R. Monitoring Lulin-5 readings. “Matreshka-R” Experiment (about…):