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Tags: ‘видео’

How Cosmonauts sleep on the ISS (video)

Как космонавты спят на МКС

Work on the ISS – installation of protective curtains against radiation in a personal cabin (video)

Установка защитных шторок от радиации в личной каюте МКС

Experiment Matryoshka-R – Study of Cosmic Rays on ISS Russian Segment more details – https://www.energia.ru/en/iss/researches/medic/33.html

The Launch of a new manned Spacecraft of the PRC from the Wenchang Cosmodrome took place (video)

Запуск нового пилотируемого корабля КНР с космодрома Вэньчан

Just recently, May 05, 2020 at 01:06 PM (Moscow time), the launch of a new manned spacecraft of the PRC from the Wenchang cosmodrome took place! This was the first test flight of a new manned ship, which in the future will have to replace the current ships “Shenzhou” and cargo ships “Tianzhou”. It consists […]

Rations during the flight to the ISS (video)

Паёк на время полёта к МКС

Rations during the flight to the ISS.

ISS Space toilet (HD video)

Космический туалет на МКС

New High Definition Video Version with english Subtitles Old Version of the Video with previous Comments

Live on Instagram, April 30, 2020 (video replay)

Прямой эфир О командной работе в Инстаграм 30 апреля 2020 г.

Ok Google: How Do Cosmonauts Return From The ISS (video rus)

Окей, Google:

Ok Google: How do Cosmonauts get on the ISS (video rus)

Окей, Google:

Zero Gravity Magnet on the ISS (video)


Live on Roscosmos Instagram April 12, 2020 (video replay)

Запись прямого эфира в Инстаграмме Роскосмоса 12 Апреля 2020 г.

Video Interview on the information Channel “Abakan 24” – September 2019 (video rus)

Во! Время... Видеоинтервью на информационном канале Абакан 24 (сентябрь 2019 г.)

Cosmonautics Day Eve. Interview for Komsomolskaya Pravda Radio (video, audio)

Интервью радио "Комсомольская правда" накануне Дня Космонавтики

Video-Interview: Audio-Interview: Тег audio не поддерживается вашим браузером. Скачать. Source: “Komsomolskaya Pravda” Radio

Grand tour of the International Space Station with Drew and Luca (video)

Самая детальная экскурсия по МКС

ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano and NASA astronaut Drew Morgan take you on a unique tour of the International Space Station shot in one take with two cameras strapped together. Luca and Drew take it in turns to guide you through the modules and spacecraft docked to the orbital outpost. Starting from the Soyuz MS-15 spacecraft […]

The Soyuz MS-13 spacecraft landed in Kazakhstan on 6 February 2020 (video)

Возвращение экипажа корабля «Союз МС-13» 6 февраля 2020 г

The Soyuz MS-13 spacecraft landed in Kazakhstan on 6 February 2020 with NASA astronaut Christina Koch, ESA astronaut Luca Parmitano and cosmonaut Alexander Skvortsov of Roscosmos.

The Soyuz MS-13 spacecraft landed in Kazakhstan on 6 February 2020 (video)

06.02.20. Трансляция посадки экипажа пилотируемого корабля «Союз МС-13»

The Soyuz MS-13 spacecraft landed in Kazakhstan on 6 February 2020

Interview with Oleg Artemyev (Kuji Podcast 47, video, audio, rus)

Олег Артемьев: как стать космонавтом (Kuji Podcast 47, видео, аудио)

Interview with Oleg Artemyev (Kuji Podcast 47) Audio: vk.cc/8KgzQK

Before Landing (photo, video)

I know how much I’ll miss this ISS life, but now I look forward to seeing my family on Earth! Recently we had cosmic Sushi for dinner… … and it was really, really good and tasty! Today it is, practically, the last day of our crew on board the ISS . And tomorrow, we’ll eat […]

Fly over the Great Barrier Reef (video)

Пролетаем над Большим Барьерным Рифом

Ivanka Trump visits NASA (video)

Космонавт Олег Артемьев заставил Иванку Трамп улыбнуться - МИР 24

Advisor to the President Ivanka Trump visited NASA’s Johnson Space Center

Haircut on the ISS (photo, video)

Стрижка на МКС

I make a haircut for my friend Sergey Prokopyev on board the ISS. We use hair clippers fashioned with a vacuum device to garner freshly cut hair.

Fly over Europe (video)

Пролетаем над Европой

Fly over the Egypt (video)

Летим над Нилом

ISS over the river Nile, the Egyptian Pyramids and Suez Canal

August 25. On Drew’s Birthday… 2 (video)

Торт на Дне Рождения командира МКС Эндрю Фьюстела 25 августа


August 25. On Drew’s Birthday… (video)

25 августа. На Дне Рождения командира МКС Эндрю Фьюстела

On Drew’s (Andrew Jay Feustel) birthday we set a new outer space record – 6 people in a crew cabin

Fly over China (video)

Пролетаем над Китаем

Fly over Kamchatka Peninsula (video)

Пролетаем над Камчаткой

Progress Cargo Spacecraft undocking from the ISS (photo, video)

Отстыковка Грузовика Прогресс

The first Tennis Tournament at the ISS (video)

Первый теннисный турнир на МКС

Participants: Oleg Artemyev, Sergey Prokopyev, Alexander Gerst, Andrew J. Feustel

Aurora, Stars (video)

Полярное сияние и звёздное небо

After Spacewalk – American Container with a Food (video)

После выхода в космос - Американский контейнер с питанием

First Part Second Part