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Tags: ‘мкс’

Spacewalk (EVA-39), 18, 2014 (photo)

Работа на Выходе в космос (ВКД-39), 18 Августа 2014 г.

EVA-39 Spacewalk. Lock-Chamber Hatch opening, August 18, 2014 EVA-39 Spacewalk. Nanosatellite deployments, August 18, 2014 I’m Waiting for Sasha. Steve making our photos from the MIM we’re working at night… Left – Joining of Sockets. Right – We have a rest Alexander Skvortsov. The blue Ocean. Left – Safety Carbines. Right – Installation of the […]

Russian Spacewalk (EVA-39). August 18, 2014 (photo)

Выход в космос российского экипажа (ВКД-39), 18 Августа 2014 г

Lock-Chamber Hatch opening  

August 12. Docking ATV5 to ISS (video)

12 августа. Стыковка грузовика ATV5 с МКС

Full version

ATV5 already close. Tomorrow Docking (photo)

Мимо пролетал ATV5

The Clouds&ISS, Sunset (photo)

Облака и МКС на закате

Docking Progress M-24M to ISS. July 24 (photo)

Стыковка Прогресса к МКС. 24 июля

Turning on of engines for Correction ISS Orientation before Docking Progress M-24M The Pirs Port waits Progress M-24M

Russian Cargo Ship Departs the ISS. July 21 (GMT) (photo)

Отстыковка грузовика Прогресс от МКС. 21 июля

Russian Cargo Ship Departs the ISS. July 21 – Video

A – Earth, Horizon, Manipulator… (photo)

Земля, горизонт, манипулятор - А

7th Crew Member (photo)

Новый 7-й член экипажа

July 16, 2014. Cygnus Arrival (photo)

16 июля 2014 г. Прибытие грузовика Сигнус


Signs on ISS. Sign on Matreshka (Experiment Matreshka). She is now in the Japanese module (photo)

Надпись на Матрешке, сейчас находится в японском модуле

“Matreshka-R” Experiment (about…): About Experiment Matreshka on IMBP Site (rus)

Soyuz-Apollo Space Flight 39th Anniversary (photo)

39-я годовщина совместного космического полета Союз–Аполлон

Work on ISS. Filter replacement in FGB (Functional Cargo Block) (photo)

Замена фильтра в ФГБ (функционально-грузовой блок)

July 12. Zvezda heads into orbit aboard a Proton rocket in the year 2000 (photo)

12 июля годовщина запуска модуля Звезда

Zvezda, DOS-8, also known as the Zvezda Service Module, is a component of the International Space Station (ISS). It was the third module launched to the station, and provides all of the station’s life support systems, some of which are supplemented in the USOS, as well as living quarters for two crew members. It is […]

The Moon & ISS (photo)

Луна и МКС

Sunrise (photo)


Every day we see about fifteen Sunrises and Sunsets – one more Sunrise.

Again Dawn in an Orbit (photo)

Рассвет на орбите

The Space Transformer over ISS (photo)

Космический трансформер

I looked out in a Window and saw there a Transformer…

Small video from ISS 3 (video)


50th anniversary of the Russian Children’s Center “Orlyonok” (photo)

50-летие Всероссийского детского центра Орлёнок

Breakfast with Sunbeam (photo)

Завтрак с солнечным зайчиком

Sunbeam from Maxim Surayev’s cabin

Роскосмос поздравляет с Днём России! (видео)

Экипаж МКС поздравили крымчан с Днём России

Sorry, this entry is only available in Русский.

June 9. Continuation of Preparing for Spacewalk (photo)

Продолжается подготовка выходу в космос

We continue to study the EVA cyclogram. Assembled and tested AFD UCTS connectors. Laying of the AFD UCTS cables. Alexandr Skvortsov & AFD UCTS. Checking and laying equipment “Test” experiment. Tool laying in the Universal Portable Container. Video fixing of the collected equipment for check by experts on Earth.

Dawn & Rassvet (photo)

Рассвет и Рассвет

Yesterday smoked a little

Вчера немного подымило

Yesterday smoked a little… Potential Onboard Combustion Event In the crew’s early evening hours, around 18:40 UTC on Tuesday, a fire alarm was annunciated in the Russian Service Module. The crew reported a small amount of smoke from a vent inside Zvezda that quickly stopped. In accordance with nominal contingency protocols, the Russian Ventilation System […]

Work on ISS. Space Sailors work (photo)

Работа на МКС. Работают космические матросы

Verification work Ecosphere. On a background Maksim Surayev performs works on medical control.

Preparing spacesuits to spacewalk (photo)

Подготовка скафандров к выходу в космос

Spacesuit drying. Assembling of the scheme of a Spacesuit drying. Spacesuit drying with Sunny Bunny

Small video from ISS 2 (video)

Небольшое видео с борта МКС 2

Russian Orbital Segment Windows. View from inside Station (photo)

Иллюминаторы МКС

Russian Orbital Segment Windows

Towards to dawn (photo)

Перед рассветом

Towards to dawn Dawn