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Happy Great Victory Day!


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Dear Veterans of the Great Patriotic War, participants in hostilities, residents of the besieged Leningrad, former prisoners of fascism, home front workers and residents of our country! Congratulations on the 75th anniversary of the Great Victory! Victory Day is the most important holiday for every family in our country! Every year on May 9th we recall a difficult period in the history of our country. Our great-grandfathers and great-grandmothers, grandfathers and grandmothers fought and defeated fascism! Now we can learn, be friends, love, get married, raise children! We are the freest nation on the Planet! Our country has sacrificed a lot and won the victory. It was the highest price in the history of mankind. We must commemorate our Heroes and we will be invincible! A deep bow to the Heroes who gave us life and freedom! Good health and long life to you! Happy Great Victory Day! #ЗнатьЧтобыПомнить #9мая #ДеньПобеды #75летПобеды #Мывместе #Победа75 #БессмертныйПолк #мыпомним #Победа #япомнюягоржусь #ВеликаяПобеда #Георгиевскаяленточка #ДеньПобеды2020 #мыгордимся #ВОВ #мыпомниммыгордимся #Россия #75лет #помнимгордимся #May9th #VictoryDay

Публикация от Oleg Artemyev (@olegmks)